
Need to stretch your body?

Do something to feel more energised, yet calmer too?

Challenge both body + mind?

Feel stronger, more capable and a little more flexible within yourself?

I teach yin yoga.

Yin doesn’t focus on what shape your body is.

And you don’t need to be super bendy to do it.

It’s for EVERY BODY!

A normal yin class involves just a few poses, where you:

find a good stretch (a 7 out of 10 good discomfort) in …

a specific area (eg. your hamstrings, lower back, shoulders) and you …

settle in for 2, 3 or maybe even 5 minutes, softening into the stretch, and ….

staying as relaxed and still as you can.

It is all about YOU finding YOUR stretch.

Yin targets the fascia (connective tissue webbing) in the body, to keep it healthy and hydrated.

Yin classes are challenging at times, yet great for relaxation.

Yin helps you to SLOW DOWN and gently settle both your muscles and mind.

Classes are 90 minutes in duration.

To hear about new yin classes and workshops:

Scroll down to sign up to my newsletter or follow me on instagram


click link below to get in touch directly

There are many ways to practice yoga, and these are often called paths, like our journey through life.

The physical side of yoga is the most well known path (Hatha Yoga).

There really is a class to suit most peoples physical needs.

eg. pregnancy yoga, kids yoga, chair yoga for those less mobile, men only classes, yin yoga for stretching, restorative yoga for relaxation and so much more.

There are different schools of teaching too, that follow a certain style and practice.

eg. Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini.

classes coming soon!